BRO JOHNSON (EPISODE 13) . Bro Johnson took up his phone. The phone was intact. Deep within, he wished the phone get damage so that he could have excuse to be unreachable. . He checked through the site and noticed there's a Contact Us page. He thought of what to do such that he still … Continue reading BRO JOHNSON (EPISODE 13)


The chase was fierce and rough. Johnson ran through bushes and several farms. He had hidden around shrubs and trees but the police officer was determined. He didn't relent, he set up his ear and every single sound gave a direction. His eyes was unshifted. His head, straight. This criminal was going down.


BRO JOHNSON (EPISODE 1) Bro Johnson had spent almost two years in the area he now lived. Recently, he had been deciding which church to begin attend. Where he worshipped before had been consuming much transport fare. Moreover, he is trying to build a different kind of personality—a not-too-spiritual personality. So he could be free … Continue reading BRO JOHNSON (EPISODE 1)


BRO JOHNSON (EPISODE 2) The praise session was electrifying, everyone couldn't help but dance like their lives depended on it. Everyone—except Bro Johnson. Bro Johnson just got the white Atiku he was wearing and wouldn't allow the dust settle on it. Moreover, he would surely sweat while dancing, and that too would unnecessarily soak his … Continue reading BRO JOHNSON (EPISODE 2)